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Reflections on Refreshing Our Branding, Reinventing Our Company and Renewing Our Commitment to Our Clients

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I’m proud and humbled that I lead a company that was built on the foundation of the problem-solving and decision-making research and principles that Dr. Charles Kepner and Dr. Benjamin Tregoe developed during the 1950s and 60s. What they discovered and shared in their book, The Rational Manager (McGraw Hill, 1965), is even more critical today as the pace and complexity of business increases. Today’s competitive organizations must be experts in the creation of a culture that supports quick problem resolution while fostering decision making that empowers employees to steer their companies toward success. Getting it right the first time is no longer a luxury.

As timeless as Kepner-Tregoe (KT) principles are, the KT leadership team realized during early 2016 that we needed to re-focus our brand and company. Our goal, as it has always been, is to help our clients thrive in an ever more complex and competitive global marketplace, introducing sound principles any workforce can swiftly implement to become master problem solvers and decision makers.

In 2016, we undertook a major strategic review of our business. What we discovered was both reassuring and eye opening. First, it confirmed that the principles of our founders were still as relevant as they have ever been. Problem solving is still considered the most fundamental management skill in the world, as confirmed by the World Economic Forum’s Report. Second, it revealed that our services were in need of improved focus; and third, it identified the road map to evolve as a company so our future services continue to meet the business needs of and deliver results to our clients.

Based on feedback from Kepner-Tregoe clients, we found that problem solving was indeed still our primary brand identification. This led to another important decision: to focus even more of our efforts on our core principle, problem solving. While problem solving is our legacy and the primary method to support our clients today, it will also be the foundation of future innovations.

Our brand message includes a new visual palette as well as value propositions that clearly indicate we are focused on our core problem-solving product. The essence of our brand is to empower our clients’ employees to become the best possible problem solvers, which results in teams acting confidently under pressure then ultimately achieving peace of mind for our clients’ executives. As the head of a multi-national firm, I believe that peace of mind will resonate with our clients’ leadership teams.

With KT LiveOnLine our unique virtual instructor-led training model, individuals and teams who in the past could not attend sessions due to schedule or location can now participate in workshops where they learn and practice our methods in a collaborative and participatory online setting. The opportunity for skill transfer through digital platforms is a brave new world that we look forward to expanding.

Our traditional classroom experience which at  its inception was ground breaking and continues to be second to none, remains a vital ingredient for many of our long-standing clients. Trust that KT’s commitment to an outstanding classroom experience will not change.

Our more than 20-year relationship with Honda is a perfect
example of the kind of partnership Kepner-Tregoe values
and how we’ll continue to evolve to serve
the needs of today’s workforce.

Although we are thoroughly focused on our core problem-solving solutions and delivering maximum value to our clients, we must also realize that the next technological revolution is upon us: automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Kepner-Tregoe methods of problem solving continue to stand strong through the test of time. The principles are elegant in their efficiency, ease of use, portability, transferability and solid in the consistency of their success.

It is clear to me that whatever the future may bring, people solving complex problems and making crucial decisions will always be at the heart of most companies’ operations and Kepner-Tregoe will be there.

I invite you to visit our new website to learn more about Kepner-Tregoe and how we can lead your company to a profitable future.

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