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New KT Workshops – Now Available!

Apr 13, 2015

We Are Happy to Announce 2 New and More Focused Workshops That Target Skills Crucial to Any Organization’s Success.

Root Cause Analysis: 2 day session

If something went wrong in your operations today, are you confident you could find the root cause of the problem quickly and reliably?

KT’s two-day Root Cause Analysis workshop will give you the tools to confidently troubleshoot and identify problems in any environment – and prevent them from reoccurring.

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Onsite Group Training 
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Public Sessions*

Root Cause Analysis

*currently US only

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Immediate Problem Solving Support

Decision Making for Leaders: 1 day session

How would you make a decision when faced with massive amounts of data, huge risks and many individual opinions?

Our day-long Decision Making for Leaders workshop provides a structured, results-oriented process for making any kind of decision—strategic, tactical or operational.

Training Options

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Onsite Group Training
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Public Sessions*

Decision Making for Leaders

*currently US only


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Immediate Decision Making Support

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