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Live Webcast on June 15th 2011: Thinking Correctly Under Pressure II

Oct 12, 2012
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Due to a large response and many positive reviews we will continue to explore Thinking Correctly Under Pressure. This topic continues to gain momentum in companies that are committed to the idea and practice of Service Excellence. Thinking Correctly Under Pressure I introduced four key areas which effective service operations must focus to deliver world-class troubleshooting in emergency situations. TCUP II will focus on how to support people to work at their peak performance – producing fast and effective solutions to complex technical problems. We will discuss what is required for an organization to set up a working environment to put your team “in the zone”.

This webcast is presented by consultants from Kepner-Tregoe, the globally recognized best-in-class troubleshooting company.

Stefan Brahmer, Practice Leader, Kepner-Tregoe (KT) EMEA.

Andrew Vermes, Senior Consultant, Kepner-Tregoe, Ltd.

Register for WebEx:

10am New York / 3pm London

1pm New York / 6pm London

3pm Singapore /6am London (Thursday, June 16th)

There is no charge for this webcast

  • Understand what influences people to be effective on emergency cases
  • Learn how to remove distractions
  • Identify techniques to keep major incident teams “in the zone”

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