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Paper & Packaging

A few words about the Paper Industry

Packaging is a vital global industry that is poised for continued growth through integrated and synchronized supply chains, and a focus on the environment enables market leaders to gain a competitive advantage. The industry faces new technological challenges, demographic changes, and resource concerns, and there is a growing emphasis on accelerating transformation in preparing for the way forward.

Kepner-Tregoe has worked in the industry for generations, building problem-solving skills and addressing safety and reliability on an increasingly global scale. As production has become increasingly digitized, there is a growing need for advanced critical thinking skills in a changing workforce. Industry leaders are turning to KT to help their management teams to solve complex operational problems, create new opportunities to improve quality and control costs, and enhance as well as sharpen classic tools such as Lean, Six Sigma and other continuous improvement initiatives.

To learn more about Kepner-Tregoe consulting and training in the Paper and Packaging industry, contact Kepner-Tregoe.

Success Stories


When Uniroyal Chemical Co., Inc. wanted to gain an extra edge over the competition, they employed Kepner-Tregoe (KT), as always.


gained due to extra production capacity


rejection of bagged bales due to poor appearance


By using Kepner-Tregoe's Problem Solving & Decision Making processes to gain an extra edge, Uniroyal increased production capacity and customer satisfaction and eliminated the costs of reworked and scrapped bales.


When a gas fittings company analyzed the best opportunities for growth, new product development (NPD) was the clear choice. But the increased importance of NPD would require more consistent success from new products and a clear vision of how to achieve it.


A focused portfolio of projects is moving through a well-defined pipeline and work is on track to develop the new products needed for continued growth. This is the result of the improved project skills of project managers through training and coaching. In addition, criteria have been established to drive decision-making in postponing or terminating off-strategy projects, thus avoiding project overload.



The digital disruption in manufacturing creates a dynamic landscape where Operational Excellence (OE) strives for stability, quality, and efficiency while continuing to service an increasingly demanding customer. Some OE foundations for an increasingly digital operation are outlined in this white paper.


“Differentiate or die!” Differentiation through product and service innovation is how we will survive and thrive. But in these challenging times, we cannot afford to squander scarce resources on poor ideas. Let’s look at how to ensure innovation is effective.


Beginning and sustaining an improvement journey can often mean fighting naysayers, inertia and reluctance to change work routines, even the bad ones. Yet, the perfect marriage of a continuous improvement culture and effective production management creates consistent, world-class performance.


The negative consequences of any action are as tangible as its benefits, sometimes more so. Before moving ahead with a decision, it is imperative to consider risk: the possible adverse consequences of feasible alternatives.


Our Experts
in Paper & Packaging Industry

Regional Managing Director - Asia Pacific
Business Solutions Senior Consultant

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