Incidents were becoming more complex, increasing the probability and risk of major outages. The geographically dispersed team of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) required a high degree of coordination during the incident handling process
Actively manage the end-to-end process of service restoration from initial triage/assessment, to troubleshooting the issue, choosing appropriate countermeasures and managing stakeholder communications.
When speed to restore service is everything KT problem-solving techniques strike the balance between the impulse to take quick action and the need for gathering the right data.
Manage and guide large groups of incident teams (e.g., on bridge calls) through a structured approach and targeted moderation and communication.
Display critical data using advanced dashboarding techniques to manage risks and keep all critical stakeholders “in the know .“
Successfully facilitate the incident resolution process by gathering the most relevant data and driving decisions while managing risk under pressure.
Apply advanced incident management skills to manage the end-to-end process of service restoration.
Quickly apply knowledge in your organization through dynamic learning that incorporates case studies and real-world situations to go beyond theory to application.
For inquiries, details, or a proposal!