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Performance Coaching

Continuous improvement is a mindset

We all know that feedback is important to help individuals and teams improve. Having an appropriate model and focus for coaching will improve the value of feedback. High-performance coaching is about helping people reach their full potential, in any area of their lives. For the manager as coach, this means working with people to improve their performance at work.
High-performance coaching may also involve working with other people within your organization – collaborating with other managers and leaders to make the workplace a high-performance organization, one that helps everyone to perform at their best by resolving the most important issues as effectively as possible.

Improved performance requires increased capabilities and capacity

  • Observations drive accuracy

    Helping people maximize their performance when adding news skills requires feedback that is framed in terms of accurate descriptions of what is going on. Sharing data that is inarguable and free from judgement, interpretation, or assumption, yields a clear roadmap of the changes necessary for higher levels of performance.

  • Building relevance ensures engagement

    When we provide feedback on things that are important, and that the recipient cares about, we ensure engagement and a willingness to act on the information. Building relevance ties new capabilities and skills to desired outcomes and ensures behavioral alignment with organizational goals and objectives.

  • Establishing consequences confirms results and guides choices

    Being transparent about the consequences of behavior change and maintaining status quo confirms the boundaries and constraints for the person receiving coaching. Creating a context for action makes it easier for the feedback to be matched to behavioral outcomes.

  • Actionable feedback creates momentum

    Coaching is not passive. Creating a persistent flow of performance modifying feedback that supports the right actions, executed in the right place, at the right time, maximizes effectiveness and yields organization momentum.

The greatest athletes would never be without one


Coaching to gain a competitive advantage

Managers control the involvement of the right people, but effective coaches help employees gain confidence in moving ahead by recognizing their capabilities and responsibilities.


When tough situations arise, coaches provide oversight and structure.


Good coaching inspires individuals to develop their own expertise and insights, and find they are better equipped to step up and meet new challenges.

Success Stories


Microsoft’s Customer Service & Support (CSS) offers support in 41 languages and 191 countries. With 8 billion customer touches annually customer service professionals have unique insights into how customers use products, services and devices. In 2014 CEO, Satya Nadella instituted a “Growth Mindset” emphasizing a cultural obsession with customer satisfaction and a commitment to lifelong learning. Since then, the value of the company has nearly tripled, and CSS has partnered with Kepner-Tregoe (KT) to better serve customers by embedding KT processes.


improvement in customer satisfaction


minutes - average reduction of total time per incident


To measure the impact of the KT training and support project for CSS customers, key metrics were recorded 12 weeks before the workshops and 12 weeks after. Results of total improvements during the first year:


day per case - average reduction of total time per incident


At Yanfeng Automotive Interiors, an intensely competitive business environment challenges the employees every day to deliver superior products for the world’s leading automakers. Automotive interiors components and systems must be manufactured to exacting standards to ensure safety and durability. The quality of the manufacturing process is critical.


ROI delivered


generated per project


To measure the impact of the KT training and support project for CSS customers, key metrics were recorded 12 weeks before the workshops and 12 weeks after. Results of total improvements during the first year:


Fokker wanted to increase their issue resolution maturity. This meant improving the quality and completeness of information about problems, accelerating root cause analysis and involving the right people at the right time.


decrease in spin-off costs


non-conformity reduction in 3 years in specific departments


Success has been measured in a drastic reduction in non-conformities which is saving millions of euros yearly. A proactive culture has replaced the “fire-fighting” of reactive problem solving.

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For inquiries, details, or a proposal!