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Targeted Performance Improvement

Achieve your vision of operational excellence

Manufacturing cultures thrive on routine and consistency which can create resistance to adjusting procedures that could improve performance. Sometimes, an external prompt is helpful to avoid being stuck and to focus attention on the future.
With an emphasis on skill-transfer, Targeted Performance Improvement (TPI) challenges employees to develop solutions that improve performance against key metrics. By diagnosing improvement opportunities and building and supporting the skills needed to pursue them, organizations can use TPI to make rapid progress towards manufacturing excellence.

Skills to support continuous improvement efforts

  • Separate symptoms from causes through RCA

    Root cause analysis exposes how the components interact and reveals where improvements must be made. Root cause analysis investigations of complex systems and their dependencies yield quality solutions that avoid unforeseen, potentially negative consequences.

  • Manufacturing problems should not be solved in isolation

    Problem is, they often are. By improving capabilities, teams can tackle the best opportunities for improvement. With training, facilitation and coaching, problem solvers can resolve increasingly complex issues, manage multiple problems in parallel, and balance long- and short-term impacts. 

  • Have teams primed to make targeted improvements through Advanced RCA

    Good intentions are not enough. People must have the capabilities required to effectively apply skills to improving equipment and product performance, scheduling/handover, inventory levels, downtime, and other problems.

  • Set the stage for ongoing continuous improvement

    Targeted Performance Improvement delivers results in a few months. It begins with a diagnostic assessment that identifies opportunities for improvement. One of those opportunities might be developing skills and team leaders who can facilitate, perform, and repeat targeted projects. Establishing a critical mass of competence is an important step in minimizing resistance to change.

Enhance existing improvement initiatives through Targeted Performance Improvement


Targeted Performance Improvement (TPI) can generate world-class results without the upheaval of traditional large-scale change programs.


It can also enhance existing Lean and Six Sigma initiatives by prioritizing and quickly resolving many common manufacturing problems.


With an emphasis on skill-transfer, TPI builds the critical thinking skills needed to engage employees and sustain results in your manufacturing excellence journey.

Success Stories


Kennecott Utah Copper operates the Bingham canyon mine concentrator plant, a smelter and a refinery. Ore from this mine is concentrated into slurry, piped to where the smelting process occurs, and then sent to the refinery. Efficient operation at the concentrator stage is critical to maintaining uptime of the smelter. Each year the concentrator plant is shut down a total of 36 times. This is necessary to maintain critical equipment while essential repairs and upgrades are completed. The issue at Bingham was that the length of downtime was causing a bottleneck in the overall process.


saved in the first year


improvement in on-time performance


The shutdown process saved over $11 million in the first year of implementation. On-time performance improved by 60% and is tracking towards world-class results. key performance Indicators (KPls) for shutdown performance improved over all prior years. Team performance (on-scope, on-cost) improved by 60%. Shutdown administrative work load fell by over 50% allowing team members to focus on other areas such as reducing cost or generating more revenue. All Injury Frequency Rate (AIFR) improved, advancing a strong safety culture which is a core value of KUCC.


reduction in admin workload


Fokker wanted to increase their issue resolution maturity. This meant improving the quality and completeness of information about problems, accelerating root cause analysis and involving the right people at the right time.


decrease in spin-off costs


non-conformity reduction in 3 years in specific departments


Success has been measured in a drastic reduction in non-conformities which is saving millions of euros yearly. A proactive culture has replaced the “fire-fighting” of reactive problem solving.


After a major capital investment at its biscuit factory at Papakura, Griffin's needed to address several variables impacting overall conversion cost. The site was struggling with high waste, high downtime, and planning deficiencies; and overall workflow was not conducive to producing at the lowest possible conversion cost.


improvement in operational efficiency


improvement in production rate


For overall results, Operational Efficiency (OE), the measure of line performance relative to a theoretical maximum achievable throughput rate, was used to measure success. To achieve an OE of 100%, the line must run at its maximum theoretical throughput rate with zero plant downtime and product waste. At the conclusion of the Kepner-Tregoe engagement the plant achieved:


reduction in change over time

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