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Sneak Preview: Video from Kepner-Tregoe to help prioritize critical issues

We’re all involved in a seemingly never-ending cycle of meetings and conference calls. Unfortunately, many of these seem to have no focus or agenda. We discuss the challenges facing the business, but everything seems to be a priority and nothing ever gets really resolved. These kinds of meetings can go on forever with nothing really getting accomplished and they turn into a waste of time and effort.

But what if there was a process that would ensure that our conversations focused on only the most impactful issues at hand and helped our teams communicate more effectively and be more productive?

The good news is that there is such a tool. It’s called a Situation Appraisal and is part of Kepner-Tregoe’s Clear Thinking processes. A Situation Appraisal is where you take inventory of all the things that require you and your team’s attention: a supply chain or manufacturer issue, a competitive threat, a potential merger or acquisition, etc. By following the Situation Appraisal process, you’ll see issues prioritized more effectively than ever and specific next steps defined so everyone has a clear understanding.

To show practical applications of Situation Appraisal and other components of KT Clear Thinking, as part of the recent update to the KT Problem Solving & Decision Making program we introduced a series of new videos and case studies. We leveraged the most current media formats including live-action video, illustrated motion-graphics and animation to enhance the learning experience. You can see a sneak preview of one of those videos below. The scene features a Daily Meeting Dilemma: a global leadership team struggling with a variety of critical issues and no clear path forward. That is until they apply KT Situation Appraisal.

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