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Kepner-Tregoe Launches New German Website

Apr 18, 2013
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At KT we are committed to promoting clear thinking in a complex world. On March 27, we launched our new Kepner-Tregoe German website. The site offers an in-depth look at how Kepner-Tregoe’s expertise helps organizations thrive, even in the face of the numerous challenges they encounter globally.

Our excitement in launching the new site comes not only from its role in helping us reach a greater audience, but also from its ability to promote the use of Clear Thinking on a global scale. KT Clear Thinking techniques stem from the research results of Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe, and enable organizations to find solutions to complex problems using a systematic, human approach. Clear Thinking is the last true competitive advantage in global business today, and by launching our new German website, KT hopes to equip more organizations with that advantage, creating thinking organizations around the world.

The new Kepner-Tregoe German site provides a variety of information that advances our mission of helping organizations run more efficiently. The site contains relevant case studies that demonstrate our success and show how our core methodologies work across a broad range of industries and in organizations around the globe. On the new German site you can also find white papers that provide an in-depth account of KT techniques. Our KT blog is featured and helps us share our thoughts and ideas with and receive feedback on them from a broad audience representing diverse perspectives in the global marketplace.

We’re pleased that our transition to a new Kepner-Tregoe German website mirrors the look and function of our North America site and further extends KT’s global reach; you can experience it for yourself at

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