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Responding Confidently to the Changing World: Business Changes the Way We Work

The way we do business is continuously changing. And these changes affect the way we work –redefining job roles, eliminating old roles and creating new ones.

One of the key growth strategies for a business is to respond to change with agility and confidence. Within a dynamic, changing environment, organizations must have a structure to unleash the potential of people and to grapple with challenges in how to:

  •          Leverage new technologies
  •          Launch new products and services
  •          Accelerate decision making

The changing role of IT professionals is a great example of how work is changing. Many IT professionals are specialized–in IT support, system development and enterprise architecture to name a few areas. But today these IT specialists are called on for more hybrid roles that focus on delivering diverse business outcomes. They are driving business initiatives, solving business challenges and executing key projects. Similarly these hybrid roles are demanding more advanced IT expertise from specialists in Talent Management, HR, Sales, Marketing and Finance.

Are we prepared for these evolving, enhanced job requirements and expectations from business? It is increasingly important for the workforce to be ready to manage this complexity. In “The Future of Jobs Reports” published by World Economic Forum (2016), complex problem solving and critical thinking are identified as the key survival skills for this complex business environment.

Kepner-Tregoe (KT) is helping organizations change. While Kepner-Tregoe is well known for root cause analysis, the true potential of the KT approach is to create order out of complexity, reduce uncertainty, and increase our ability to act more effectively. KT’s structured thinking tools offer an edge by helping to identify exactly where to focus efforts.

For example, in the case of disruptive technology, before a business adopts a new technology there are variables that are uncertain such as security, costs, market share, threats to the business and strategic alignment. What KT provides is the “how” to systematically evaluate the technology in relation to the business, surfacing potential problems or opportunities and planning ahead with clarity.

This structured approach to critical thinking is universally applicable regardless of workforce dynamics, job functions and complexity of the business because it:

  •          Creates a shared language that supports precise communication and logic
  •          Brings a proactive approach to managing people, products and processes
  •          Reduces unplanned costs and risks
  •          Supports effective, objective-driven recommendations

As business changes, the role of critical thinking is perennially relevant. It provides a guiding force for understanding what is going on, making strategic and tactical decisions, solving problems and managing risk and opportunity.

We support organizations and teams to successfully and competitively manage their work loads through these altering landscapes.


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