Complex Problem Solving
Available as:
- In-house class
- Public class
- Virtual
- In-Person
Organizations are facing increasingly complex challenges. With the growing complexity of products, services, processes, networks, and value chains, our problem solving ability is being tested more and more. How do we find causes? How do we make effective decisions? How do we anticipate future developments? Complex problem solving is the most important skill for this decade.
What You Get:
- Led by an expert instructor
- Access to digital tools and resources
- Use skills learned immediately on the job
- Certificate of completion
United Kingdom
Jun 5 2025 - Jun 27 2025Den Dolder (near Utrecht)
Vierdaagse workshop
Deel 1: 5-6 juni
Deel 2: 26-27 juniNLD2,250 EUR
Jun 9 2025 - Jun 12 2025LondonENG1,675 GBP
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In this county services are provided by the official KT licensee.
* Before applicable taxes
Class seats guaranteed with payment. Seat reservations held for 72 hours.
Contact us to inquire for more details or have the workshop customized upon your corporate needs.
This training is for anyone actively involved in tackling complex problems, making decisions, and executing plans. For example, managers, engineers, process managers, incident and problem managers. Improve your critical thinking skills and performance, and become a leader in solving problems and addressing complex issues.
- Training people to systematically find the root cause of difficult problems, and make objective, effective decisions is in the best interest of any organization
- Deepen and improve critical thinking skills
- You can apply your new skills immediately
Skills Developed
Skills developed during KT’s Complex Problem Solving training enable you to:
- Use a fact-based approach to find the root cause of the most challenging problems
- Make complex decisions aligned with strategic and operational priorities
- Proactively manage risks during the execution of projects and initiatives
- Identify high-priority issues and plan their resolution
- Visualize complex situations: determine cause-effect chains, circumstances, broken barriers, and actions to be taken
- Collaborate effectively and efficiently across teams, functions, and regions
Return on
InvestmentBy participating in the Complex Problem Solving training and implementing KT processes, organizations have realized both immediate and long-term returns on their investment.
You will have the opportunity to apply your newly acquired skills to realistic exercises and work-related issues you bring with you. You will deepen and improve your critical thinking skills, which is essential for effective and efficient collaboration across teams, functions, and regions. And everything is immediately applicable in practice!
The workshop offers a unique combination of our Problem Analysis and Decision-Making approach (PSDM): the gold standard for critical thinking skills, and Incident Mapping (IM), which together enable you to dissect the most complex situations, solve critical problems, and respond decisively.
Workshop Details
Duration: 4 days
Included: Access to online tools after the training, such as coaching videos, tips, tricks, and worksheets, with a free My KT account.
Training options: Available as an in-company session at your location or as an open enrollment.
Contact Form
Showcase your skills!
The KT Badge Program is a visible recognition of your rational process skills. Your Kepner-Tregoe Digital Badges can be shown on your social media profile page, your email signature, and your personal website. And finally the authenticity of your KT badge can be validated on our website portal.
The Foundation Badge is the starting point and highlights that you have attended a KT training program. Once you have begun applying the KT technologies you will progress through the levels of Practitioner, Advanced, and ultimately, achieve recognition as a KT Expert.

KT Foundations Badge
If you have successfully participated in this workshop, you are eligible to receive the KT Foundations Badge.
Contact Us
For inquiries, details, or a proposal!