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Strategy Research Study: “Strategic Renewal or Business As Usual?”

Oct 12, 2012
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In the current climate, is it time for a fundamental rethink of the way we do business?

With so many countries experiencing fragile economic growth, mounting debt, reduced public spending, recent political upheaval and natural disasters around the globe, is there a sense that we will soon be back to “business as usual” or is it time for organizations to renew their strategies?

Please take five minutes to participate in our latest business research project “Strategic renewal or business as usual” and see how your views compare.

In return for completing this survey, Kepner-Tregoe will:

  • Send you the survey findings so that you can find out what the rest of your peers are saying about how the current economic climate has impacted on their strategic thinking
  • Enter you into our drawing with a grand prize of an iPad 2 loaded with Kepner-Tregoe’s “The Art and Discipline of Strategic Leadership” audio book. There are also 20 runner-up prizes of a hardback copy of the book available

Thank you in advance for your time. We appreciate your input and look forward to updating you on the results shortly.

Complete our short survey

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