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One of the best business books of all time

May 9, 2013
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The New Rational Manager describes the Kepner-Tregoe Clear Thinking processes for effective leadership and issue-resolution management that have been pressure tested across the world for over 50 years.

Whether you’re troubleshooting a major IT system outage or manufacturing equipment problem or deciding whether to hire a new employee or expand the capacity of your distribution center, KT Clear Thinking will allow you to “cut through the clutter” of business complexity and address the most complex challenges confronting your organization. This common language and process are essential for effective, efficient collaboration across teams, functions, and geographies.

Are you looking for an edge to advance your career? The same principles found in The New Rational Manager that were leveraged by NASA to return Apollo XIII safely to earth have also been used by CEOs, managers and engineers to increase quality, improve efficiency, and lower costs in almost all industries and business functions. The New Rational Manager has the business cases to prove it and the steps for you to make it happen.

Now available as an e-book.

Downloadable copies available for purchase through Apple iTunes or these other eBook retailers:

Amazon Kindle

Barnes and Noble Nook


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