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On Demand Webcast: Outpacing Manufacturing Competitors While on the Road to Recovery

Oct 12, 2012
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As the global economic recovery gains momentum, organizations are preparing to maintain, if not increase, the competitive advantage for their manufacturing operations. The race over the past few years has been to cut costs and maintain margins just to survive. The recent shift towards economic stability presents a golden opportunity for manufacturers to take a quantum leap forward. However, most organizations do not have the proper blueprint for such a grand effort. With the best of intentions many will try to impact change using modified versions of existing continuous improvement (CI) programs.

This webcast will discuss how organizations can marshal resources and lead the charge through economic recovery by identifying when step changes, not just incremental improvement are needed. We will demonstrate why CI programs (e.g. Six Sigma, Lean, TQM, etc.) may not be enough to create the dramatic improvements desired.

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