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KT Problem Management App for Service Now

Jan 29, 2014
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ServiceNow customers who use KT’s global best-practice methodology can now integrate this activity with other workflows housed within the ServiceNow environment. Kepner-Tregoe’s Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is available on the ServiceNow platform via this scoped app (V2). In combination with our world-class training, coaching and consulting solutions, this app brings an aligned approach to the process, technology and people strategy of Problem Management. In combination with the ‘Coaching Loops’ functionality it provides a powerful solution to get to root cause faster, prevent recurring incidents and increase IT stability.

Typical results include:

  • Reduced Mean-Time-To-Resolution by 50%
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction to +90%
  • Improved first-time-fix-rate by 40%
  • Reduced backlog by 60%

Key Features:

  • Supports Kepner-Tregoe’s best practice, ITIL®-recognized troubleshooting methodology
  • KT solutions enable your Problem Management to significantly reduce recurring incidents and get to root cause faster
  • Enables consistent problem documentation and the creation of reusable knowledge
  • Integrated “coaching loops” drive continuous learning and process adoption/adherence
  • KT approach aligns process, capability and technology
  • Drives adoption and maximizes the ROI of your ServiceNow implementation

Availible now at the ServiceNow Store

Problem Management for Service Now Brochure

Global Investment Services Case Study

KT Improves Problem and Incident Management
on Service Now

Christoph Goldenstern, VP of Strategy & Service Excellence unveils new troubleshooting simulation technology designed to bridge the gap between classroom and real-world situations. Teams can now practice critical problem solving skills in a real, but safe learning environment.

Contact KT to learn more about this integration

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