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Kepner-Tregoe hosts Excellence Awards Ceremony

Sep 7, 2022
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A night to remember

On August 31st, 107 professionals from 36 industry leading companies attended the KT Excellence Awards Ceremony.

The event had many special moments including a standing ovation for Jan Tregoe and Cynthia Richetti, the wife and daughter of our founder Ben Tregoe.

One fun activity was an interactive game with the audience involving our CEO Bill Baldwin and Luke List the PGA golfer whom KT sponsors.

Another very touching moment was the bestowal of a posthumous lifetime achievement award on Joel Hartman from Stellantis which was accepted by his wife Shantae and his brother Jonathan.

It was a night to remember including a gala dinner and lively music dedicated to honoring our VIP guests; the KT Excellence Award winners!

We greatly appreciate all of those who could join us on this very special occasion.

Click here to to see the pictures from the night: Kepner-Tregoe Excellence Awards Ceremony | Kepner Tregoe

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