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End-To-End Integration Of IT Ops To Drive IT Stability at PinkFORUM16

Aug 11, 2016
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Join Us at the 5th Annual IT Service Management Leadership Forum

Date: August 16, 2016

Location: Scottsdale, Arizona

Michael Curran-Hays will speak at Pink Elephant 5th Annual IT Service Management Leadership Forum in Scottsdale, AZ, on August 16, 2016. His presentation is part of a three-day event for IT leaders that addresses today’s most pressing IT Service Management (ITSM) issues.

Michael will focus on “three levers” to pull to drive IT stability, detailing the skills and methodologies needed to improve the total customer experience with better incident management, problem management and continuous improvement. Examples will be drawn from Kepner-Tregoe client experiences, demonstrating the success that organizations can achieve and making the case for the value of taking an end-to-end focus to drive IT stability.

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