Kepner-Tregoe maintains an up-to-date registry of individuals who have earned one of our badges and certifications.
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Problem Management

- Type: Learning
- Time: 21 - 28 hours
- Cost: Paid
This badge earner has attended a KT Problem Management (formerly KT Resolve) workshop. They have acquired the foundational skills necessary for people in technical environments to understand:
- how to set priorities for effective action in complex situations
- how to find the root cause of problems
- how to make decisions driven by objectives and an assessment of risks
- how to plan actions that avoid future problems and leverage opportunities for additional value
They are able to ask specific questions to gain clarity, identify missing information, test hypotheses, assess risk, and arrive at clear, data-driven conclusions under time pressure when needed.
Earning Criteria
Has successfully attended the entire workshop and has participated in case practice
Has begun to apply the concepts to work-related issues
Skills Gained:
Click any of the categories to the right to show specific skills gained:

Critical thinking
- Correct Approach
- Appropriate Involvement
- Clear Communication
KT Situation Appraisal
- Clarification and Prioritization
- Action Identification
- Involvement Planning
KT Problem Analysis
- Data Gathering
- Hypothesis Testing
- Thinking Beyond the Fix
KT Decision Analysis
- Setting Objectives and Measures
- Scoring Alternatives and Assessing Risks
- Assessing and Recommending Choices
KT Potential Problem Analysis
- Prioritizing Risks
- Taking Preventive Measures
- Planning Contingencies
Questioning Skills
- Expand Understanding
- Clarify Context
- Confirm Specifics
Issue Resolution
- Efficient use of Processes
- Reliable Results
- Resolution under Pressure
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