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Kepner-Tregoe’s 12th annual global client symposium

Nov 14, 2017
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Kepner-Tregoe (KT) held their 12th annual global client symposium in Cologne, Germany.  The theme of this year’s event was “Problem solving in the age of agility and digital disruption.” As all industries need to keep pace with technology advances and the ever-increasing complexity of systems and process to remain competitive.

Mark Smalley delivered the keynote presentation, a global thought leader in IT (also known as “The IT Paradigmologist”) discussed how to build a productive relationship between business and IT.

This was a working session lasting a full day that included executives from leading companies. Participants learned first-hand how to apply KT’s proven problem-solving methodologies to any organizational level problem as well as how to deliver amazing ROI to the business. Attendees also got a hands-on demonstration of the latest KT simulation technology that helps problem solvers build confidence under pressure by reinforcing learning in a simulated, safe-to-fail environment.

At the conclusion of this vibrant session, all were enthusiastic to tackle the issues their teams face at work expressed excitement at the prospect of attending next years event.

See Mark Smalley’s Keynote Presentation 

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