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Kepner-Tregoe Announces License Agreement with Deloitte Consulting Pty Ltd. For Australia and New Zealand Markets

Dec 10, 2021
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Welcome to Deloitte Consulting Pty Ltd.

KT’s new Licensee for Australia and New Zealand

KT is delighted to announce it has now signed an agreement with Deloitte Consulting Pty Ltd. wherein KT products and services will be provided by Deloitte to the Australian and New Zealand markets.  Deloitte Australia recently acquired Bluefield Asset Management which was KT’s prior licensee in these markets.

Bill Baldwin, CEO of KT remarked: “We are delighted to welcome Deloitte as a new licensee partner to continue the outstanding work that began with Bluefield Asset Management earlier this year.”

Gerard Wood of Deloitte concurred and commented: “Given that the same team of experts will continue to provide the full portfolio of Kepner-Tregoe consulting and capability development services, we are very confident that the outstanding relationship as a KT licensee will continue under Deloitte.”

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