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Kepner-Tregoe a Finalist for Management Consultancies Association (MCA) Strategy Award

Feb 11, 2013
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Kepner-Tregoe (KT) is pleased to announced it has been named a finalist for the 2013 Management Consultancies Association (MCA) Best Strategy Project Award with our customer the DAL Group. For the past 16 years, the MCA Awards have been the benchmark of quality within the consulting industry with the strategy award going to the best new project of the past year.

DAL Group engaged with Kepner-Tregoe in a strategy engagement to mitigate some challenging geo-political issues. KT took DAL’s leaders through a robust strategic decision making process that allowed the changing environment to be understood, threats and opportunities to be identified and a clear strategy to be formulated and implemented. Initial results from this strategy suggest clear signs of success.

“Having spent time on really understanding our organisation and what for them was a very new and unusual business environment, the KT consultants brought the right minds together, challenged our thinking and allowed us to arrive at well informed and powerful strategic choices,” stated DAL’s Managing Director Ihab Daoud Abdellatif. “The consensus built within our leadership team and KT’s structured and disciplined approach to implementation is helping our ambitious strategy for agriculture become a reality.”

The project has been led by KT’s Head of Strategic Consulting, Sam Bodley-Scott. Sam has provided corporate strategy and implementation advice to many organisations involved in large-scale transitions for over 20 years.

According to Bodley-Scott, “Kepner-Tregoe is honored to be nominated for Best Strategy Project with a great partner like the DAL Group. Many excellent consultants from our practise have worked diligently to bring outstanding results to this engagement.”

KT will join fellow Strategy finalists Deloitte with Facebook, Elix-IRR with Standard Bank and PwC with Vodafone, Telefonica UK, Everything Everywhere at the MCA Awards ceremony and dinner on 18 April.

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