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Join us for a Webinar on Proactive Problem Management

Apr 18, 2016
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The Second of a Series of Monthly Webcasts For KT Clients and Participants.  Learn Tips for Making Prevention a Daily Habit.

Delivered by Mr. Andrew Vermes , Senior Consultant, Kepner-Tregoe

Live at 08:30-08:50am on Friday 22nd April, GMT.

ITIL always intended Problem Management as a proactive process:
•    Notice disturbances in the force
•    Find actual and potential causes and remove them, before service is impacted

Often we see IT Service Managers raising a problem case for every significant Incident. Isn’t that shutting the stable door too late?
On the other hand, top management is often criticised for failing to invest in prevention: “If only we were allowed to complete the testing, this wouldn’t be happening!”

We could be preventing much more than we do…

Please contact Christine to obtain your WebEx access:

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