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Think Smarter, Perform Better:
Build High Performing Teams

Think Smarter, Perform Better

See what our clients achieved with Clear Thinking, High Performing Teams:

  • Microsoft Customer Service & Support (CSS) reported Total DTS (Days to Solve) fell by an average of about 1 day per case.
  • Corning increased market share, annual yields up by 13%, and employee attrition 75% below the Shanghai average.
  • One of the largest banks in Asia improved communications and teamwork, developed over 1,500 leaders, including C-2 levels, BU leaders, and branch managers across the Asia Pacific, in less than a year.

Come join us for a 2-hour Discovery session on 8th August, Kuala Lumpur, 10am.

*This Session is Complimentary*

Register by filling in the form below:

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2 hours KT: Get Introduced to Kepner-Tregoe
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Webinar: Leaders – Harness your Information Ecosystem!

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