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Asset Performance Management

Stay in front of asset performance issues

Our Asset Performance Management (APM) solutions help organizations improve reliability, increase asset availability, decrease costs and reduce the risk of failure for critical assets. Effective APM optimizes the data you monitor by ensuring the right information is collected and then used—not only to diagnose areas of concern and predict events but to find the cause of problems so you can take corrective measures to avoid recurrence.
We work with you to help people improve the way data is used to resolve issues, reduce the associated risks of problems across functional silos and collaborate effectively.

Improve team performance within increasingly digitized operations

  • Phase I: Detailed Diagnostic and Project Selection

    Through operational data analysis, interviews, plant studies and observations, we work with you to identify, quantify and prioritize improvement projects around reliability and availability of assets.

  • Phase II: Capability Development

    We improve the root cause analysis skills of your teams with an emphasis on using data effectively to accelerate issue resolution around specific areas of concern.

  • Phase III: Coaching and Integration

    As people apply new skills, we work with them to resolve issues, make process improvements and transfer knowledge gained to benefit others across your operations.

People drive Asset Performance Management


Equipment reliability is both a technical and human challenge

Today’s digital environment builds high levels of stability but when problems do occur, they are bigger, more complex and may never have been experienced before. Pressure to find a quick solution is high. Add to this a global supply chain and demanding customers who just want it now. Improving people’s capabilities around APM helps control costs and improve performance of your most critical assets.

Success Stories


Facing growing operational problems and environmental concerns, the Nanticoke Generating Station, owned by Ontario Power Generation, needed to make rapid, dramatic improvements. Plant management initiated a major improvement initiative, collaborating with Kepner-Tregoe to address a series of operational improvements.


Equivalent Forced Outage Rating reduction


improvement on bottom line revenue


Over 100 formal, and many expedited, process exercises resulted in sweeping improvements, millions of dollars in savings and better environmental standards.


Fokker wanted to increase their issue resolution maturity. This meant improving the quality and completeness of information about problems, accelerating root cause analysis and involving the right people at the right time.


decrease in spin-off costs


non-conformity reduction in 3 years in specific departments


Success has been measured in a drastic reduction in non-conformities which is saving millions of Euros yearly. A proactive culture has replaced the “firefighting” of reactive problem solving.


Kennecott Utah Copper operates the Bingham canyon mine concentrator plant, a smelter and a refinery. Ore from this mine is concentrated into slurry, piped to where the smelting process occurs, and then sent to the refinery. Efficient operation at the concentrator stage is critical to maintaining uptime of the smelter. Each year, the concentrator plant is shut down a total of 36 times. This is necessary to maintain critical equipment as essential repairs and upgrades are completed. The issue at Bingham was that the length of downtime was causing a bottleneck in the overall process.


saved in the first year


improvement in on-time performance


The shutdown process saved over $11 million in the first year of implementation. On-time performance improved by 60% and is tracking towards world-class results. Key performance Indicators (KPls) for shutdown performance improved dramatically. Team performance (in-scope, on-cost) improved by 60%. Shutdown administrative workload fell by over 50%, allowing team members to focus on other areas such as reducing cost or generating more revenue. All Injury Frequency Rate (AIFR) improved, advancing a strong safety culture which is a core value of KUCC.


reduction in admin workload

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