BAE Electronic Solutions (ES) in Manassas, Virginia, was using multiple troubleshooting approaches with inconsistent, time-consuming results; and clients were noticing.
Collaboratively addressing daily operational issues is clearly the way forward. Providing team members with a common approach and language for issue resolution helps team members effectively contribute every day.
Delegating responsibility is not enough. Teams become empowered by addressing gaps in their knowledge, skills, and support infrastructure. This begins by identifying specific needs and how teams can better meet them.
Fast resolution of day-to-day issues × Structured meetings that drive effective action × A shared approach that leverages brainpower × Practices that separate assumption from facts × Analytic problem-solving and decision-making abilities × Risk management discipline.
Teams require leaders who advise, facilitate and coach their colleagues as they collaborate. Leadership training helps them to role model and support their colleagues, sustaining improvements to the way work is done.
Team development produces tremendous results in organizations – from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Whether team members are working side-by-side, remotely, or from distant global locations, when teams are primed to identify and set their priorities, apply analytic thinking to resolving issues, and to tackle difficult business challenges, the promise of today’s flatter, global and more agile organizations is within reach.
For inquiries, details, or a proposal!