
Is Machine Learning a Game Changer for Organizational Training?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere, from your social media feed to your Google searches. Wherever you turn, and largely unbeknownst to you, your data is being collected, aggregated, and analyzed so that you can experience a steadily improving user experience by receiving content that is more relevant to you.

How does that happen? Through machine learning powered by AI technology. Using sophisticated algorithms, computers are collecting your data during each interaction, and making educated assumptions (based on your historical data and demographic profile) about what you may be interested in. Likewise, they are aggregating your data along with millions of other people to develop their own ideal segmentation, depending on their goals and objectives.

Now that AI is here, how well organizations harness the power of technology to make better decisions in the workplace will continue to grow the chasm between “good enough” and “world class” companies.


Improving Organizational Training Through AI Technology

Today’s successful organizations understand the value of identifying and understanding their key performance indicators (KPIs.) These are the most critical quantitative measures of the health of their processes, from minimizing production backlog to improving profit margins.

In the training field, quantitative goals should go beyond post-workshop “smile sheets” and should translate into improved KPIs. For example, a training course in root cause analysis should yield benefits beyond the class itself, demonstrated through operational metrics that drive business performance such as customer satisfaction or asset downtime.

Take organizational safety training, for example. Start with analyzing safety results in your production environment for specific job responsibilities. Your safety concerns will become more visible. You’ll need to ask yourself the following question: Could your safety concerns be due to random human error, or are these safety concerns identifying potential gaps in learning?

To truly embrace the power of AI, organizational data should embrace this technology through applying machine learning when possible. Whether we are evaluating safety concerns or addressing gaps in productivity, the more machine-learned data your organization has to work with, the more accurate your solutions will be. As an added bonus, your organization will become more aware of training’s impact, both positive and negative, all made possible by the power of artificial intelligence.


The Connection Between AI and Human Engagement

Jim works in an Operations role for a major software company. Jim knows that his company’s support center queue has been flooded with repeated questions about how to customize a setting inside their software. For users, finding how to customize this setting is hard to find in their help section and was barely covered in the training module. Jim would want to address this by improving the user experience for the software, but he should also consider expanding this topic during the training process so that it is better retained by students. As a result, the number of support requests should steadily decline.

In this example, if this same organization leveraged machine-learned data from their support team, their training curriculum could automatically adjust to reflect the needs of the users dialing in for support without human intervention. Another application of this technology might be to better learn the terms that resonate with users, much like Google does to provide the most accurate search results. In this instance, the software company would provide better results in the help section of their website, before the user needs to ask for support.

The power of leveraging AI in organizational training is that by providing a smarter and automated way to develop personalized training for people based on existing data, you improve results.

When the training industry harnesses the full power of AI and machine learning, the world of continuous workplace improvement has a wider range of possibilities. By offering coursework in an automated way that will increase the likelihood of success based on historic data, the results can be significant and impactful.


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Kepner-Tregoe’s Training programs


About Kepner-Tregoe

Kepner-Tregoe has been the global leader in problem-solving consulting and training for over 60 years, working with companies across industries to solve some exciting (sometimes scary) problems and provide employees with the skills they need to confidently deliver results.  KT’s experience-based learning methods integrating tools such as simulations and coaching of in-tact teams have led to countless success stories for companies just like yours.

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