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Kepner-Tregoe, Weathering the Downturn

Jul 23, 2015
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Jeff Robinson, a Calgary-based consultant for Kepner-Tregoe, says workers who may be facing layoffs need to be proactive in their options. “You have to take control.”

As seen in the Calgary Herald on June 20th

Weathering the Downturn, Calgary Herald

Employers and workers across Canada – particularly in Alberta – are bracing for more rounds of layoffs amid oil prices that have stabilized between $50 and $60 per barrel, for now.  Industry experts say companies need to be more strategic to survive.

Workers meanwhile, find themselves polishing up their resumes and considering all options to weather the latest economic downturn to hit the notoriously cyclical sector,

“You can’t just sit still and wait for things to happen to you,” say Jeff Robinson, a Calgary-based consultant for Kepner-Tregoe Inc.” You have to take control.”

Despite the bleak outlook, he adds there is also opportunity where others see only uncertainty and red ink: “When these things do occur, there are all sorts  of ways within a company to save money.”

That includes re-examining your strategy – or lack of -to cut costs effectively as opposed to doing so arbitrarily.

Restructuring outstanding debt, re-allocating people resources to more active and effective areas of the business, eliminating …

Read the complete article at the Calgary Herald website

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