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Live Kepner-Tregoe Webcast: Thinking Correctly Under Pressure

Oct 12, 2012
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Thinking Correctly Under Pressure (TCUP) continues to gain more and more attention in companies that are committed to the idea of Service Excellence. The ability to “stay cool and focused” when the situation at hand gets hot is something that is required whenever we look at Incident Management, but could also be transferred into any other environment where effective decision making and proactive thinking is essential for success. The webcast will introduce you to some key influencing factors that make the difference when companies aim for high quality and stable performance in an environment where pressure can come from inside or outside the organization. This webcast is presented by consultants from Kepner-Tregoe – the globally recognized best-in-class troubleshooting company.

View 2 min. Video Introduction

Presented by:

Stefan Brahmer, Practice Leader, Kepner-Tregoe (KT) EMEA focuses on designing, leading and managing solutions for Service Excellence clients.

Shane Chagpar, Lead Consultant, Service Excellence Team, Kepner-Tregoe, Inc. Mr. Chagpar has an active consulting record in the telecommunications, finance, manufacturing, logistics, government, and health-care industries.

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