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The Era of Complex Problems

The era of complex problems

The Era of Complex Problems: Solving Problems in a Connected World

Article by Gijs Verrest in “Kwaliteit in Bedrijf” (Quality in Business), September-October 2023

On October 4, 2021 at 3:39 PM, a digital silence fell over the world. Suddenly, billions of people received the notification: ‘Cannot connect’. This was not just a minor glitch or technical hiccup. Facebook, along with its subsidiaries WhatsApp and Instagram, had completely disappeared from the internet. As if someone had literally pulled the plug on their massive data centers .. The impact was huge and Facebook’s shares dropped by 4.9%.

The world around us is changing at a rapid pace. Driven by technological advancements, increasing interconnectedness, and an abundance of data, problems are becoming increasingly complex and the impact when they happen can be nothing short of catastrophic.

But what makes complexity complex? And how can we prepare ourselves to deal with it?

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Article re-published with permission from Kwaliteit in

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